The world’s spotlight has been turned on US election for the past few days and will continue to do so while the votes are still being counted, it’s a contentious and dirty fight that going down in the web and people around the world are keeping them watch this is like a binge watch more with family if Trump wins it empowers the right the world over and is Biden if he wins it empowers the left, but there’s a lot of confusion around how exactly the election their work in the first place the US has a system with the voters do not directly elect the president to choose presidential elected to the electoral college who can vote for the President and Vice President.

In simple terms, we can call it the ” electoral college”  which is basically the body of people selected by the voters to be the electors there are 538 electors in total. In each state democratic republic and other minor political party select theirs on Slate of electors which are put on the ballot the party that wins the popular would get the entire Slate of electors it is possible to win large majority votes and still lose to an opponent who has an electoral college majority that’s what happened to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Around 12 Battleground states state whether it is unclear which candidate will emerge within two years in the current election some of these take Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Around 270 electoral votes to win polling is done on November 3rd on 8th.On December the secretary of state, equivalent to his winning group of electors will be called on statehouse that on 14th of December the electors cast their own ballots following his electoral college is dissolved.

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