COVID 19 Virus: Transformed Travelling, A Healthier Tomorrow

The spread of the virus has caused devastating damage around the globe however it may lead to a healthier tomorrow taking into consideration the sanitation and rules adopted by various nations. In the foreseeable future, we might have a transformation in the transit system and the way how people commute could be changed entirely.

Virus, As the trains and buses are running again, various adoptive measures have been taken by countries to tame the situations. Ranging from using red stickers on bus floors to ensure enough distance between passengers in Milan to entering via middle or rear doors in Britain, people are trying to adopt varied precautionary measures.


Virus, Masked faces, sanitizers everywhere, spaced seats in vehicles, payments of fare without touch etc. will surely become a new normal in the transportation sector post the pandemic. Public transport has been leading to a hike in the number of deaths due to the virus and thus people are preferring to commute through bikes, walking and mostly work from home is being followed. Virus, In order to avoid public transport, people might make a shift to cars but according to Lawrence Frank, a transportation and public health expert at the University of British Columbia, extra hours spent in cars can lead to certain chronic diseases which make the person even more vulnerable to corona virus. Further on he added, “We want fewer people to have those preconditions so that if a pandemic hits if they get exposed to it, they will survive it.” The main question that he had put forward was- “The real question is: How do you build a future that addresses both chronic and infectious disease?”


Virus, Technology has been helping significantly in the fight against the coronavirus. Technological means are being used in order to inculcate contactless processes in almost all spheres of life. Various smartphone applications are helping in avoiding congestion as they make people aware of the crowded places. Virus, Contact tracing is also a perk which could be used to track people who have travelled with a person who was positively tested later on. This is already available in many countries such as China and Singapore but many people in other countries would refuse this measure as it can invade their privacy.

“There’s certainly a lot of challenge, but also there’s a lot of opportunities,” says Yingling Fan, an urban planner at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Many more experts said that even though the lockdowns have fostered many tensions and struggles for the transportation sector, it has offered time for making creative and strategic plans for commuting ways that people will believe are safe.

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