Self Development during this quarantine


Self Development, It goes without saying that you’re playing out your part effectually by just staying indoors and helping the government in fighting the pandemic. But this quarantine has a lot of other advantages too. Don’t let the lockdown blues get to you and think about the time you have in your hands.

Introspect: Find and analyze your potential. Discover what you love and what fuels your heart. Let go of all the grudges you’ve been holding on to. This time is for building yourself. Ask yourself, do you even enjoy doing what you’re doing? Look deeper and you’ll find an answer. Even if the circumstances aren’t in your favour, you have time to plan it all from scratch. Do it, do it now, for yourself.

Learn: Learn a new skill. You’ve got all the time you need and our friend internet is never short of information, be it cooking or learning a programming language. Surprise your folks after the quarantine is over. And add a bullet to your resume.


Meditate: You’re taking care of your body by staying inside and refraining from all the junk food. Your mental health needs your attention as much as your physical health. Meditation has been found to work wonders in stabilizing your inner peace. Try it out this quarantine.

Create: Its time to make use of all the DIY videos you’ve been saving. Rekindle that hobby you thought you’ve lost. Create something, anything, it doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, its supposed to provide comfort to your soul, which it will do.


Plan: Stop thinking that your 2020 is ruined. Always believe that things are going to get better eventually. Hope saves mankind. Plan out all the adventures you’re going to embark upon after this period, the field you’re going to major in, write a journal and hope for the best.

This virus has adversely affected the lives, economy, environment and trade all around the globe. In times as arduous as this, we need to take care of our health and our kindred. We can do this by self-isolating and following the guidelines issued by the government. We’re in this together.

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