how this School is coping with the Current Situation to Prevent Study Loss

Study Loss, The coronavirus pandemic has presented an immediate need for schools to reshape education. Virtual learning has quickly swapped places with traditional classroom learning in order to prevent the loss of children’s education.

The Stonehill International School, being the first school laid down by the Embassy group needs to set a bar for the others in terms of Student Safety and Distance Learning.

Challenges in the case of Extended Lockdown

Study Loss, The primary grade teams at Stonehill have joined hands to come up with a project-based learning structure. The teachers catch up every Friday and collaboratively they design the next week’s learning plans. They coordinate the video, audio and written strategies in such a way that even the parents can understand and help the child if he gets stuck anywhere.

Keeping the communication intact


The technological aspect of Distance Learning wasn’t a challenge for Stonehill International. Their teachers are quite comfortable in carrying on digital classes even in the regular school weeks. They feel that it is critical for the students to be able to access their education from anywhere in the world.

Authentic Learning

To ensure in-depth understanding of a topic, the students are given authentic tasks which involves using materials and structures from their home itself. The students upload their work to Seesaw- a digital portfolio app the school uses all year round.

Engaging lessons

The school has included zoom into its digital suite by which classes can be held in real-time as well and the students can conveniently discuss their projects with their mentors.

Making use of digital platforms

The secondary teachers need to put all work on ManageBac so that students and parents can stay up-to-date with all the assessments and reports.

Keeping the Student’s experience in mind

The teachers soon felt that daily zoom sessions can be quite tiring for the children. Keeping in mind not to stress out the students, they also assign them some asynchronous learning activities, which the student can complete at ease.

What an initiative in these difficult times!

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