EMPLOYMENT With the growth of social media influence and advancement in technology, the process of employment has evolved a great deal. More companies in 2020 are expected to search for the right talent and not just hire qualified people due to a sharp rise in the attrition rate beyond 22%. Here’s a list of employment trends that can be expected in 2020.

Hiring via Social Media- With the growth of social media platforms like LinkedIn we can expect employers to search for talents online and there can be no better option than social media. It is expected that employers of 2020 can take to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp etc. to connect with candidates. Thus it’s suggested that job-aspirants much keep their profiles updated with their recent qualifications, achievements, talents and experiences to get recognized.

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Preference to Multi-skilled candidates- Employers are expected to be looking for candidates with multiple skills, who are able to adapt to changing job situations and suit themselves according to the changing job demands. Thus candidates are suggested to be open to new possibilities of learning and experience.

Work from Home- With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, work from home has become the new method of productivity. Thus several employers in 2020, as well as job aspirants, are interested in hiring candidates who are equally efficient in-home environment. Also work from home provides scopes of proper work-life balance and reduced stress which increases productivity. Thus employees learned or skilled in particular job aspects that are possible from homes might be preferred.

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Contractual Jobs- With the aim to reduce company costs, contractual jobs might see a steady rise than permanent jobs as it keeps the workplace expenses under control. Thus freelancers and contractual workers may see a growth of prospects than full-time employees.

Other Benefits- In 2020, companies are expected to concentrate more on other benefits like work-from-home opportunities, health insurances, personal loans etc. than a handsome paycheck to maintain the satisfaction level of the employees and extract optimum productivity.

Thus 2020 is expected to be a revolutionary year for employment prospects. With the growth of technology, the employment sector is expected to undergo massive changes and job seekers are therefore EMPLOYMENT advised to be up to date with the trends.

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