German newspaper accuses China of ‘Coronavirus damages’ with a £130 BN Bill

Recently the German newspaper issued an invoice of 130 billion euros against China as it accuses it of originating the pandemic and causing such havoc across the globe.

The paper says that Beijing ‘owes’ it to Berlin as it caused such disruption everywhere. China is outraged by this news and defends itself while Germany joined hands with France, UK, and the US in a rare attack. They also accuse Beijing of covering up the real cause of the crisis which took place because of them.


Trump turns back against China

In this fight against Ch ina, even President Donald Trump sides with the alliances as he says that if China is responsible for this, it must pay for the disaster. Recently in an interview, Trump reported, “It could have been stopped in China before it started and it wasn’t, and the whole world is suffering because of it.

He went on to say, “If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake. But if they were knowingly responsible, then there should be consequences.”


After all of the allegations against China, they have responded furiously by saying that the invoice “stirs up xenophobia and nationalism”. 

America stands enraged

In America, thousands of people have signed the lawsuit in Florida against the Chinese Government for the COVID-19 damages.

According to a statement from the Miami-based Berman Law Group, the lawsuit “seeks billions of dollars in compensatory damages for those who have suffered personal injuries, wrongful deaths, property damage and other damages due to China’s failure to contain the COVID-19 virus, despite their ability to have stopped the spread of the virus in its early stages“.


German newspaper accuses China, Looks like Germany and China are heading towards a severely controversial situation once again and its certainly not ending anytime soon. But the big question is, will China accept the invoice actions and pay for the damages it is accused of creating?

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